What is e-Waste?

A junk removal logo with the words wild west junk removal written in yellow.The rapid advancement of technology has led to a growing concern regarding electronic waste (e-waste). E-waste consists of discarded devices that contain toxic components such as lead, mercury, and cadmium. If not properly managed, these substances can threaten the environment by causing contamination. The existence of these threats drives the regulation of e-waste disposal in California and requires a professional e-waste removal near me.

The annual production of e-waste globally exceeds 50 million metric tons, as reported by the United Nations Environmental Protection Agency (UNEP). Unfortunately, a common practice involves disguising US waste as donations and shipping it overseas. Regrettably, these shipments often find their way to Africa and China, where little regard is given to the pollution and harm caused to the local population.

Proper recycling of e-waste ensures that it does not pose any environmental risks. Currently, numerous states in the U.S. have implemented legislation regarding the recycling of e-waste and provide convenient drop-off or pick-up services to ensure its safe disposal. Notably, in 2010, New York City enacted a law mandating electronic equipment manufacturers to collect electronics for recycling purposes.

For e-waste removal near me generated at home, look up a local environmental agency or contact a local electronics store to learn about their recycling programs.

Remember to call Wild West Junk Removal when you need e-waste removal near me.

Wild West Junk Removal near me offers full waste removal including e-waste. We follow the letter of California law in disposing of your junk. Please call us at (951) 837-8072 to learn more about our e-waste removal service.

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